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Boogie Takes it Back to Hip-Hop's Roots with Fade Freestyle (Video)

 Evan Dale // Oct 3, 2018 

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Regardless of all the different directions that hip-hop continues to head, Boogie is on the straight-and-narrow and pushing forward faster than anyone else. With an explosion of releases dating back to his 2017 signing with Shady Records and the dual release of Came Up & Violence, the Compton artist has shown one of the most wide-ranging swaths of talent not only in the hip-hop realm, but in all of music. A barrage of singles, nearly all of which have been accompanied by visuals, has come since to define Boogie as  more than a gifted rapper, but has also exhibited his talent written, vocally, and even cinematographically. 


But, with his newest track and video, Boogie takes us back to his roots – back to hip-hop’s roots. Fade is one of the most strongly penned singles to come our way in 2018. The most impressive part? A pen wasn’t involved.


There are few artists in the modern game that could support themselves in a freestyle the way that Boogie can, and Fade is an especially potent example of his lyrical type-A dynamism.


The video, as grassroots and grungy as the epochal foundation upon which Fade is built, displays that dynamic ability in a way fitting and organic enough to do it justice. A running tab of his unpenned penmanship types itself through the video, drawing extra attention to the detail in his words and granting the viewer multiple lanes to choose while watching.


Fade, unfairly labeled a single and more deservedly described as its own project, comes together as another example of Boogie’s emergent breadth of talent, 


When a more traditional project culminates at the end of Boogie’s incomparable tear through hip-hop over the past year, there will be nothing quite artistically like it. For now, the unique and vibrantly lyrical Fade will keep our minds primed for albumhood.

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