Ur Maa Brings Brooklyn Lyricism & Sango-esque Production to Maui
Evan Dale // Nov 15, 2018

There is a raw element of unexpectedness that need be always expected when pressing play on the latest delivery from Ur Maa. It may be a 13-minute old-school reminiscent Brooklyn rap project (EVER PRESENT); It may be a 2-minute exhibition of emotional ambiance (SHE DON’T CARE); or, it may be something in the middle and yet not at all the same. Today, the latter is what we got with Maui, Hawaii, a vibrantly fast-paced display of Ur Maa in new form built on the same lyrical ability of his Brooklyn roots and studied understanding of songwriting and the knack for production seemingly influenced from the Sángo school of modern composition. Though coming in signature short, the track does more with its 1:21 than a lot of artists do with a studio album.
Ur Maa’s creative is always surprising, innovating, and expanding, and it seems that a short trip to the beach may have been exactly that he needed to find yet another new heading in his artistry. Always looking forward to more.
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