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North Hollywood Vocalist, Ranen Addresses Sensitivity in Already Numb

Phe Shay Locke // Sep 29, 2018 

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Ranen, an artist from North Hollywood, California creates neo-soul that will touch the deepest parts of your heart’s valves. His harmonic sound cohesively blends into hypnotic tunes delivering tracks like No Question, No Question and Rather B Down. Again, he has graced us with a new track, Already Numb, giving us exactly what we have been yearning for. 


Using a whispered raspy tone, he plays with the pockets of his sound. Fading into the isolation of the beat with his repetition at the hook, we start to trip into his imagery. Metaphors bleed throughout – I have drips like honey  She tastes like cocaine – leaving the listener in psychological bliss. Already Numb embodies a note from Ranen's previous explorations and admirations for women, but it also shows the audience a more sensual, sensitive side. These dynamics paint the correlation of drugs and love romanticizing in a way that's both sweet and dangerous. 

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