A Funky Bassline & Spun with Spooky Keys, Low Hanging Fruit's OPP is our Halloween Anthem
Evan Dale // Oct 31, 2018

Built on a funky bassline, spun with spooky key strokes, there could be no better time than All Hallows’ Eve to dive into Boulder, Colorado hip-hop duo, Low Hanging Fruit’s latest single, OPP. The pair, which beyond the mic are really a quartet of multitalented creatives, are on a mission to become one of music’s most innovative collectives.
And they’re succeeding.
Predominantly recognizable for the voices of their two fronting lyricists, Trip & Soup, OPP is a barrage of their violently unique hip-hop deliveries murdering the production at their disposal. And digging back through their canon, the ability is no fluke. OPP comes as LHF’s fourth single release in as many months, grinding their way towards imminent albumhood with an impossibly consistent ferocity.
Successfully achieving what seemingly everyone in hip-hop is after, but almost no one is unearthing uniquely, LHF are a clean, one-of-a-kind merging of hip-hop’s high-energy arrogance and lyrically-profound consciousness.
The craziest part? Their youth. With no one in the collective born before TLC released Waterfalls, they have an uncanny stranglehold on their artistry that most don’t discover until late in their careers, if ever. With such a strong foundation and heat like OPP consistently pushing them further, the future is understatedly bright.
But for now, OPP is our Halloween anthem.
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