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Kaleem Taylor is One of the Most Unique Voices in R&B with Not Alone 

 Evan Dale // Jan 18, 2019 

Kaleem Taylor - Not Alone.png

The R&B game hasn’t had a vocalist with the kind of emotional reach that Kaleem Taylor brings to the table at any point in recent memory. It just hasn’t. Give one listen to his newest single, Not Alone – his first release in more than a year – and you’ll understand exactly what we’re talking about. A subdued, minimalist beat backdrop creates just the kind of foundation necessary for Taylor to explode with his R&B golden era reminiscent delivery. Even addressing heartbreak, wanting, loss, and struggle, the man oozes sex and confidence, carrying with it the kind of vibrantly unique auditory aesthetic and theatrical absurdity that is only finding firmer footing in favor amongst the widening international R&B audience. 


Honestly, bold individuality and creative ingenuity are so important right now that artists coupling that daring delivery with raw, untaught talent are ticking timebombs of the limelight, so keep an eye out for Kaleem Taylor as he brings his unique sound to an R&B and neo-soul spectrum completely undefined by boundary, and instead, celebrating individuality and experimentalism. 


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