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Naji + Insightful’s New Single, ‘You’ is Addicting Electro-Soul Bliss

 Evan Dale // March 12, 2021 

Naji - You-01.png

Riding the rails of a bouncy, synth and bass circling beat that folds in complex layers of his own vocal runs and crooning moans, Naji’s new single, You feels reminiscent from the jump. That’s because anyone that knows the creative powerhouse and founding name of digital creative collective, Play Nice, knows that his sound – production, vocals, and their brash intertwining nature with one another – is unmistakable. Folding in the also unique tone of all-encompassing creative and fellow Play Nice name, Insightful, the single takes on an experimental bit of electro-soul genius that serves itself up on a multi-part compositional arrangement. The result? Addicting bliss.


It’s hard to say much more than that because You – like everything from Naji – is such a unique performance. What we can say is that you’ll love it, and that you should keep an eye (and an ear) out for more from Naji who in one form another continues to release a string of floaty, emotionally evocative tracks.


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