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teddybear’s Anti-Reality Garden Construct Continues with Agnosia 

 Evan Dale // Sep 24, 2018 

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The emotional spectrum of teddybear’s anti-reality garden construct continues its raw, dark emergence with the fragile, Agnosia, and there could be no better sonic representation of the title. Connecting with well-connected, well-respected producer and friend Cian P for the first time since the march towards albumhood began with Cheshire, the two again make their teamwork sound easy. 


A subtle innocence draws the beat into its space as foundation for teddybear’s lyricism and vocals that dare not exist in the same realm. The juxtaposition in effect creates the unpredictable emotional space and uneasy mental platform all of our minds are left teetering on throughout. 


If at this point one thing seems especially obvious in the spectrum of Bread & Butterflies, it’s that teddybear has become a master of taking sonic space, applying the balance between his musical ability and emotionally fragility, and bending it into the vivid circus of his imagination. 


There’s no way to tell just how the project will turn out in finality, but we know it will be one sonically-subversive, darkly-imaginative tale from the deep mind of its creator.  

 More from teddybear 

 And our interview with the talented, young artist on his way towards B&B 

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