ROLE MODEL Keeps it Acoustic and Emotional with new Single, minimal
Evan Dale // May 7, 2019
ROLE MODEL is an enigma. For two years now, his sensitive, relatable, minimal deliveries have been a steering force in the brash and indefinable emergence of the bedroom pop sphere. His latest, appropriately titled minimal, yet emotionally mature and complex, is an acoustic-driven ballad of poetic penmanship and the kind of ambiguous relatability that makes him a daringly unique artist set to overtake pop charts and music festival lineups.
Broken-heartedness and kind-hearted debauchery direct this tale of sensitivity, love, loss, sex, drugs, and partying that all somehow mesh together in a peculiarly family-friendly aesthetic. And if that annoying run-on sentence doesn’t damn near define his impossible-to-replicate sonic texture, nothing really can. Nonetheless, ROLE MODEL has something special that shouldn’t be overlooked when looking into the continuously expanding mellow pop scene, and minimal is just the latest in a wide-ranging canon towards a debut project.