River Tiber Captures the Plunge of Diving into the Deep End
Evan Dale // Dec 20, 2018
Most often overlooked are those who boast true influence, and like the strong waters of some unknown force unfailingly flooding the map, River Tiber has played a remarkable role considering how relatively off-the-map his name continues to be. At surface level, three of his most popular tracks aren’t really even his. Two bear KAYTANADA’s name and the unmistakable cover art for 99.9%. The other was one of Daniel Caesar’s early introductions to the world. But, making judgements off the inescapable introspection accompanying the entirety of his creative catalogue, he probably prefers things that way, because at the end of the day, his touch is unmistakable not only on records, but eternally on the artists he’s worked with.
Yet alone, he also shines. His newest single, Deep End is of the same eerie, anti-reality waters he so dystopianly plunges his listeners into. A gloomy, bizarre, mysterious cheer drives any pretense the title may have given deep into the skull like a lobotomy of reaffirmation. Capturing thought in the most frontal lobe, Deep End floats by effortlessly, leaving in its wake the limp bodies of fans who much prefer his music to the option for a lithium prescription.
No one in music more successfully controls its direction and the emotions of its listeners from a more low-key throne than River Tiber. And there is so much to love about that. Deep End is simply his latest prescription.