London's Jvck James Rides Mellow Wave, A Hyper-Romantic Slow Jam
Evan Dale // Dec 12, 2018
The future of R&B may very well lie in the hands of London’s Jvck James. Impossibly young is one way of describing him, but impossibly talented is far more accurate. The young transcendentalist who seamlessly bridges gaps between his complimentary vocal deliveries and successful stabs at dropping bars, is yet to deliver two tracks that sound the same. Though differing drastically, there is something so very Jvck James about them all. Six singles in, 19-years-old Jvck James is the most inventive soul songwriter on the scene, but finds the breadth of his sonic texture drawn akin by bouncy, high-fidelity production, a one-of-a-kind vocal range, and a knack for unpredictability through it all.
His latest is titled Wave, and its silky flow could boast no better name. A hyper-romantic slow jam the likes of which belong on any after-hours playlist, Wave is built upon subdued keyboards, undertone drumkits, and a signature change of pace come the chorus we’ve come to love about Jvck’s music. Only the latest in his string of debut tracks, the future continues to brighten and expand for Jvck James, so keep an eye and an ear out for more.