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Cousin Stizz Contiues Ignorant Trek Towards Album with STP

 Evan Dale // Aug 1, 2019 

Cousin Stizz - STP.png

With his second single release en route to new album, Trying To Find My Next Thrill, due out August 14, meditative Boston lyricist Cousin Stizz continues a barrage of explorations in the high energy and the undeniably ignorant. STP – Straight to the Paper – is expected braggadocio, and fit with Stizz’s signature smile, a cherry red Lancia Stratos, and a whole lot of cash, the video is too. Hand-in-hand with Perfect featuring City Girls out a couple weeks ago – a video that saw Stizz telekinetically doing away with a police patrol car, it would seem that Cousin Stizz is on a mission not just to finally break through at the mainstream caliber we’ve always expected him to, but that he aims to do so as his most intense and high-energy self. 


Both he and the hip-hop game deserve that. 


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