Annika Zee's Debut, Factory Pageant is Experimental DIY Pop Bliss
Evan Dale // Mar 10, 2019
Annika Zee is some sort of experimental offshoot of the mellow pop moment in DIY music out of Toronto. Her dreamy, bizarre production blends endlessly into the event horizon of her vocalism and that’s exactly where her Debut album, Factory Pageant, leads off. From that point of experimental ambiance, the project is a wild ride of left-of-center musical risks that blend into a debut as bold and emotional as they come. Defined by a sound shockingly polished considering her youth and her brash take on music, Factory Pageant sounds more like a keystone project from an electronic veteran trying their hand at the new world of bedroom pop.
Bubbling over with intriguing samples and nameless features, Factory Pageant is also a work of mystery. And honestly, there isn’t at this point too much to know about the young phenom herself, so here is what we have taken away from her work so far:
She’s courageous – even audacious in her attack of conventionalism. She’s multi-talented - producing, writing, mastering, and singing throughout the project. And she’s also incredibly rare – an as-of-yet under the radar artist whose career will be marked by a lack of fucks given about anything but her own take on creativity.
Factory Pageant is the type of project that sets a very special career in motion, so get on board before Annika Zee is moving way too fast for the rest of us to keep up. Truthfully, she may already be at pace.