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Sunni Colón’s Satin Psicodelic is the Positivist Beach Anthem We Need

 Evan Dale // Sep 4, 2018 

Sunni Colon - Satin Psicodelic-01.png

There are certain works of art that boast names so ingeniously descriptive of their creative embodiment, that their texture starts to be envisioned before the chance to do so has even presented itself. With vibrant multi-dimensional artistic force, Sunni Colón and his Satin Psicodelic, fans were living in a funk-inspired space of sonic retro-futurism and sunshiny vocals the second the title of his sophomore album was announced. With a consistent waterfall of further expanding releases in the wake of his 2016 debut, Thierry Disko, the worldly créatif who splits time between his flat in Paris and his native Los Angeles has grown into somewhat of a Seine-to-Santa Barbara dharma bum cult hero whose auditory aesthetic is as broadly informed as his fanbase’s backgrounds. A quartet of form-molding 2018 lead-up singles set the expected final tone for the project, and yet, Sunni, true to form, was not about to be figured out.


Even with the three early tracks which earned their final place in Satin Psicodelic’s seven-track playbill, Summer BluTechnicolor, and Baby I Don’t Mind, released in monthly installments en route to albumhood, there was a mysterious modernity that now lends itself further into the project’s finished course. Though Sunni seems to ever chase that sonic representation of cool-toned, white-laced, flamingo-and-fruit-patterned swim trunks somewhere at a 1970’s beach party, there is something altogether shocking about just how current – just how futuristic – Satin Psicodelic really feels. And that’s because we, as fans and journalists, misplace our connection to Sunni’s sound simply because we have nowhere to place it but back in time, when really, Sunni’s so inventive that he’s living in his own future. Satin Psicodelic is our open invitation to visit that future, and if you haven’t heard it yet, the future sounds sweet.


Sunni’s stream of nods to the production and instrumentation of the late-middle 20th Century drive the impossibly good vibes all the way through the project’s half-hour run time. Cool-toned key strokes provide a firm base for its beachy expressionism, most intriguingly organized in buttery balance with the acoustic simplicity on Summer Blu. But really, every track on the album seems designed for passing time in the company of nature’s most scenic overlooks. 


But the most scenic aren’t only for blissful meditation. They’re just as inviting for a party populated by deep thinkers, daydreamers, creators, potheads, and light beamers of which, Sunni Colón beams brightest. Tracks like Technicolor and Mornin Dew are here with their warm energy and uptempo production for all of our Sunni Colón-inspired get-togethers.


Undoubtedly a project defined by bold experimentation, psychedelic modernism, balanced composition, understated vocals, and musical genius, it would be unjust to describe Satin Psicodelic without simultaneously mentioning pineapples, sunrise, waves, love, and sex. The project is raw perfection. But it’s also really damn fun and increasingly enjoyable with each listen. 


Its timelessness exists in its firmly grounded foundation of funk and soul in collusion with its inventive look at a hyper-instrumental future. 


Its boundlessness possesses a similar set of definition.


But its most true identity exists in all of the incredible memories sure to be made and unmade at the hands of Sunni Colón’s deserved and quickly-expanding international collection of fans who first and foremost share two things in common: An affinity for incredibly well-orchestrated music and a love for good times. Sunni Colón’s Satin Psicodelic is the best example of both, in a world where no matter which one you choose, it will inspire the other. 


So, someone bring a towel, someone bring a cooler, and everyone bring your brightest swimwear, because Sunni Colón is having a party and Satin Psicodelic is going to be on repeat.


See you at the beach.

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