Originally from the Northwest of England, and now established in London, Francesca Louise is a folk-acoustic soulstress whose musical range is broader than even that of her geography. Bold in her inclinations as an instrumentalist, the foundation of her music is often the guitar and piano melodies she lays out for herself. And the touching simplicity with which she builds her music from there is highlighted further in the sensitivity and emotional explorations with which her penmanship shines. Coming together, there aren’t many modern transcendentalists who boast such an understatedly expansive skillset. But such is the nature of those that call home even somewhat to a folk lane where the heart leads the music to emotive places largely unexplored at the same depth elsewhere in music.
Out of Sight (Out of Mind) is her latest single and one that speaks to the potential lane occupied by forthcoming project, Melancholic Antidote. As she says, “it is a constant battle - head vs heart kind of song.”