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Kid Fiction, She, and A Lesson on How to Be Cool

 Evan Dale // Aug 17, 2018 


Some people in their very essence, are simply cool.


Australian artist, Kid Fiction is one of those people.


His music video for She is all the proof you need. 

The confidence and individuality with which Kid Fiction carries himself is admirable. His music doesn’t sound anything like anyone else. An impeccably unique blend of vibrant, psychedelic electronic and jazz composition comes to meet his knack for dropping bars and belting vocals in a way far too difficult to define. And that’s a blessing because, as he told us in an interview, ‘[he] really [doesn't] like to label things. Once they have a name they tend to lose what makes them special to begin with.’


Spoken like a true innovator.


That innovative sense of individuality and non-labeling is perhaps even further expressed in his visuals. Inspired by but not strictly adhering to any school of video production from smoke-filled, dimly-lit psychedelia, to intensely expressive choreography, the video for She finds itself, just like the track and just like its artist, free from creative boundaries.


And that’s from where, even though I’m sure he will coolly abstain to comment, Kid Fiction’s innate coolness stems. The video for She is a smoky window into his clear and vibrant artistic spectrum. As an artist, it’s also an interpretive view into himself. Bubbling over with off-angle shots of the man himself performing and grooving to his track, a trio of talented choreographers, and a stirring storyline, the video has all the highs while somehow staying humbly grounded in its ability to not give away too much – a microcosm of Kid Fiction and his artistry.


An air of over-arching intensity drives the video yet is underlined by Kid Fiction’s addicting relaxedness. 


The same sort of dedicated patience drives the track.


The same kind of artistic excellence in harmony with experimentation drives his music.


The same dualistic field defines his deep-seeded nature to abstain from definition. 


In other words, he is unique even when weighed against himself, having no issue exuding confidence and existing organically in his own constantly-adjusting state of being. He is unapologetically himself, creating what he wants. We could all learn from such confident individuality, and it’s lovely to see a musician bring that to fruition in visual form. 


An off-kilter, interpretive view into Kid Fiction’s creativity in the same manner that his music allows, She bleeds of a set of aesthetics very much in tune with the tune itself. We find ourselves moving to the video in the same manner as its narrator, while wishing but not even attempting to move like its protagonists. We exist in harmony with the cooler, calmer elements of the rack while excited and moved by those more upbeat. 


And there is space for each viewer to interact with it in their own way relative to the vibes with which they relate most.


Art very often exists as a reflection of some part of an artist and their creative mind, but very rarely do modern music videos in particular earn such a description. Instead, they’re pumped full of over-cooked cinematics, unnecessary flexing, and a failing to capture a viewer’s attention with story and intrigue.


But the She music videois capturing, moving, and powerful, while reflecting Kid Fiction’s mysteriousness, coolness, creativity, and unique approach using shots of the man himself and shots that better display the especially mysterious traits. It is both an honest reflection of the original track and of its artist, and for all of those reasons, it is more than just one of the best music videos of 2018. 


It is really fucking cool and so is Kid Fiction. 

Check out our Interview with Kid Fiction here:
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