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I’m going to go ahead and offend a lot of people real quick.


Fuck Christmas music.


Now, I don’t mean all Christmas music. I have respect for the classics, but as far as the new age goes, the vast majority is garbage. Most of it is over-commercialized and unoriginal – kind of like Christmas itself. But just now, my opinion has been swayed towards the positive. Call it the holiday spirit, call it a Christmas miracle, or call it the simple result of an artist having the courage to make a bold pair of classic Christmas covers and an original to boot. DRAM’s release of #1HAPPYHOLIDAY – a three-song Christmas project – is just what the holiday music genre was in desperate need of. It turns out that DRAM’s vocal talent is surprisingly fitting of holiday music.


A twist on a classic is always a risk to take, but DRAM does his covers of Silver Bells and Nat King Cole’s The Christmas Song with respectful and creative justice, while also providing us with an entirely original, sexy Christmas tune that will one day find its place amongst the rest of the classics.


Thanks for the early gift, DRAM. Happy Holidays. 

Check out #1HAPPYHOLIDAY on Spotify

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