UK's Treasure Embodies the Idea of 'Isolation' with Atmospheric Single
Evan Dale // Sep 2, 2020
Uniquely broad UK artist, Treasure has spent 2020 prolifically outlining his one-of-a-kind aesthetic with singles and a project, Suffocation & Air, that have continuously shone him in a light as one of the most indefinable sounds in music. Seemingly working towards another collection, one of his two most recent tracks, Isolation, which was quickly followed up by Remember Me (we’ll get to this one soon), is another example of boundless artistic growth and more music in the near future that feels unique even when weighed against his own preexisting canon – an ushering in of a new creative direction.
Isolation’s atmospheric ambience, echoey vocal layering, and jarring synth chords embody the title itself, while surrounding organic instrumentation wrap the track’s entirety in a warm, soulful, and heavily experimental blanket that we as listeners rely on for immersion and escape now more than ever. Fit with a verse breakdown, Isolation is also a keymark exploration of Treasure’s lyrical fluency, merging with the rest of his ranging musicianship that is, too, adept and seemingly boundless.