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OluwaJBeats + AdeJosh + Keys the Prince + Charlie Mase = Afrofusion Hit, 'Owner'

 Evan Dale // April 26, 2020 

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A thriving exhibition of the relationship between West African and UK cultures, OluwaJBeats lays a brazen foundation for AdeJosh, Keys the Prince, and Charlie Mase to go in on stellar Afrofusion anthem, Owner. The short collaborative track comes on the heels of a number of recent singles and projects from all three vocalists involved, including 2020 EP, Nothing Else Matters from the most rap-dominant of the three, Keys the Prince. As a collaborative quartet, range is the key, and there is no problem for it being established and reaffirmed quickly and subsequently within each of the three front men’s verses.


At the end of the day, corralling such wide-ranging talent is a skillset that makes OluwaJBeats Owner’s underlying hero. Simplicity and tradition are key when sourcing from Nigerian Highlife, and OluwaJBeats, like his collaborators, is an artist whose sound is rooted between West Africa and London. Owner is a perfect example of where UK Afrofusion is taking international music in 2020. 


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