Daniel Caesar Invites Tourmate, Koffee to Remix of Cyanide
Evan Dale // Sep 30, 2019
Cyanide has become a standout favorite taken from Daniel Caesar’s Sophomore album, CASE STUDY 01. The Caribbean-influenced beat and cadence hasn’t only caught the attention of his ever-expanding global audience but has also inspired a remix with his tour opener, Koffee. The Jamaican songstress, best known for global anthem, Toast, adds an authentic twist to what has already become one of Daniel Caesar’s most recognizable tracks. Rich with experimental flavor of Caesar’s own, Koffee’s additional verse brings an element of raw yet polished calm and cool, blending well with Caesar’s demeanor on the track that’s less romantically obsessive and hyper-sexualized than his normal route. The resulting remix is a breath of imperfect fresh air from Caesar who tends to be bent on perfectionism, without removing itself from the experimental genius that flooded to original Cyanide.