Im A Mess’ Dave B Displays Immense Diversity in Melodic Freestyle, ‘
Evan Dale // Mar 29, 2020
Nobody walks a line like Dave B. Seattle’s melodically flowing transcendentalist makes music that refuses to settle on any sort of established lane other than his own. And his own is defined most by that seamless transition from the rapped to the sung and back again to a flow-heavy focal point. Even while freestyling, Dave B immerses himself in melodic moments and even a chorus altogether.
Im A Mess is a thriving example of just how easy he makes it all sound. Through a three-minute span, the freestyle – broken up by a hypnotic hook – sees Dave B running through seamless, easy-going lines. And by the end of it, it’s hard to imagine that any artist these days is making mincemeat out of freestyles with such little effort expended. But, the flow and the laid-back demeanor are what we’ve always loved most about Dave B’s music, so to see it all come together here is a breath of fresh air.