Nashville's Chuck Indigo Drops High-Energy Single & Video, 'Bad to the Bone'
Evan Dale // July 21, 2020
When discussing the underrated sphere of 2019’s hip-hop spectrum, Chuck Indigo’s iNDigo Café is a must-listen. Somewhere between his lightning fast raps and the seamless switching of lanes into a one-of-a-kind melodic delivery, the stylistically fluid Nashville artist has a little something for everyone without really drawing comparisons to anyone else in the Ville, in Tennessee, or in hip-hop and soul coalescence at large.
Musically ubiquitous and aesthetically rare, his entire range is on exhibition with new single, Bad to the Bone. Overtop an upturnt piano beat, Indigo spends three minutes poetically navigating some of his most uniquely cadenced penmanship with some of his most refined vocalism in effortless balance, bringing to mind images of a high-energy star on the rise equally equipped for the mellow, for the intense, and for everything in between.
Those images are brought into vivacity by the lens of SECK. The Nashville Director has quickly emerged as a city authority on music videos, prolifically dishing out video collaborations with many of Nashville’s equally emergent names. And for Bad to the Bone, the director’s knack for focusing heavily on his subjects at hand takes a dark turn. Covered in blood and a little off his rocker, Chuck Indigo performs his part in a way that mirrors the title of the track and the passion with which he delivers it.
Akin to the hip-hop artists of Nashville, of which Chuck Indigo is certainly one of the most exciting, it should be stated that there’s something about SECK and his work that make it seem impossible that this is coming from an underground source. With a work ethic and a sound unlike any other hip-hop capital, videographers and producers like SECK and JosephFiend are ensuring that Nashville’s vision be brought into focus.