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Case Arnold Continues Single Rollout with Uplifting 'Lightyears'

 Evan Dale // May 18, 2020 

Case Arnold - Lightyears.png

If have ever existed rules in music’s most rule-breaking sector, its artists have never abided by them. So, why should Nashville’s sleepy-soul poet create with constraints? Case Arnold continues defying the boundaries of hip-hop. With his third congruent single towards something larger in the works, he brings also his third standout experiment, successful on all accounts. Where 6am was a rainy-day anthem propelled by mellow, thoughtful bars; where Somebody was a sing-songy bout of off-kilter soul rap; Lightyears is an electro-funk experiment that again sees Case Arnold floating in the grey areas between Southern soul and Southern hip-hop, but always remaining true to himself.


The three singles have been a push of self-discovery for Case Arnold, all driven by differing creative elements within himself, and all tethered akin for the same reason. The most lighthearted and danceable so far, Lightyears, which also features an opening verse from Malcolm Voltaire, is another must-listen. Stay tuned to see what he’s got coming next.


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