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Akil's Ricky is a Violent and Addicting Heater

 Evan Dale // April 2, 2019 

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‘Don’t compare me to anyone but me, myself, and Akil’ reads the SoundCloud description of the 21-year-old Indio, California hip-hop artist whose auditory aesthetic is better said built of high energy, meditative cadence, and spoon-fed choruses than it is served by comparing him to any other new age lyricist. His new single, Ricky is a violent and addicting banger the likes of which will turn any small-scale kickback into a full-blown destructive house party in a matter of its three-and-a-half-minute runtime. And it’s also a sign of more on the way. The young Akil has ramped up his production over the course of the last year, putting out anthem after high-energy anthem en route towards what is bound to be his debut project at some point in the not so distant future. 


But no matter when that day might come, the collection of heat highlighted most recently and fervently the hard-hitting production and addicting chorus on Ricky, will keep us patiently waiting for more. 


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